Will Pregnancy Affect My Oral Health ?

Expectant mothers and women who take some oral contraceptives experience elevated levels of the hormones estrogenand progesterone .This cause the gums to react differently to the bacteria found in plaque and in many cases causes a condition known as Pregnancy Gingivitis. Approx  70% of women develop gingivitis during pregnancy.The  symptoms of Gingivitis is swollen red gums and bleeding at the time of brush.

Pregnancy Gingivitis  usually starts at the second month of pregnancy and it starts decreasing in nine month. If you already have gingivitis then it may get  worse  during pregnancy. Remember that the bacteria in plaque  causes gingivitis .


Brush your teeth twice a day .

Do floss your teeth before bed.

Gingivitis is most common during second to eight month of pregnancy.

Remember ,the healthier your mouth is the healthier and happier your pregnancy and baby will be .Pregnancy is an exciting time and proper dental care can help keep everything going smoothly.

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