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Osteoporosis is an ailment  that gradually weakens bones ,making them more prone to fractures .Although it occur in both the sex but it is common in women, ...

The main work of kidney is to filter the blood to remove waste products of the body's functions. The  Kidney is made up of millions of closely packed small ...

During pregnancy be extremely cautious of all drugs. If you have Gingivitis or periodontal disease ,your dentist may want to treat you more often to achieve ...

Pregnancy tumor is a tumor like growth of fibro vascular or granulation tissue with extensive proliferation as a result of hormonal changes commonly occurring ...

Good  oral health care is vital during your pregnancy .Continue your regular dental cleaning and check ups to avoid oral infections that can affect the fetus  ...

Expectant mothers and women who take some oral contraceptives experience elevated levels of the hormones estrogenand progesterone .This cause the gums to react ...

Tips to maintain Oral Health during pregnancy - Pregnancy is a very exciting as well as busy time. There are so many changes going on in your body due to ...