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Trachoma is a serious, specific chronic infection of eyelids and surface of the eyes. if not treated in time,it causes scarring of cornea leading to ...

Eggs are considered as "Above Foods". They are rich of nutients which is very difficult to find in any other foods collectively. Each egg only contains 75 ...

Learn the Ayurvedic medication to cure the acidity. The perfect home made medication to cure acidity.

Disorders of the stomach come under the category of food allergy. Eggs, cow’s milk,sea foods and alcoholic drinks are found to be particularly allergenic. ...

Allergy is a state of abnormal sensitivity to one or more ordinarily harmless is an unwanted reaction of after body’s immune system. ...

The most common type of allergies are Sneezing, shortness of breath,itching and rashes on the skin. Read Also : What is an Allergy ? Other most common ...

Skin is a sense organ of our body which help in feeling sensation of touch,cold,heat and pain. it protects the body against water loss, injury and infection ...