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Variation in blood sugar can cause variation in vision. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness. What are the common types of tumors within the eye ...

Light rays coming from any object enter into eyes, which control the amount of light entering inside. A lens inside the eye produces an inverted image of the ...

Ichthyosis is  a harsh dry condition of the skin, usually appearing in the new born infant or in early life, scales warty growths and fissures are commonly ...

Eczema is the inflammation of skin due to an allergy or heredity. A rash may occur anywhere form hands, chest to legs and feet, with itching. the rash becomes ...

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the thin membrane that converse the white part of the eyeball. There is a mucous  discharge which may make the lids adhere ...

A condition associated with bronchial tubes characterized by high cough and difficulty in breathing. it is a chronic disease which is having the common ...

Treatment for asthma is through many ways which includes by avoiding the allergen that causes asthma, giving steroid medications and inhalation of some special ...