Myths and Facts of Blood Donation

1.I have no blood to spare .I may be anemic .

The average adult has 5-6 liters of blood .At each donation 350-450 ml of blood is drawn ,depending on the body weight. The volume donated is replaced within 72 hours .Those with low hemoglobin levels will not be accepted as blood donors. The doctor will advise them on ways to increase their blood count before they can donate blood .

2. I can contract disease through blood donation .

No one will catch any disease from donating blood. The needles used are clean, sterile and disposable .

They are used only once and destroyed .

3. I am afraid to give blood .It is painful .

Everyone feel like this for the first time .You might feel a slight pinch when the needle is inserted but that is all it is a simple procedure and you will hardly feel the pain .

4. I am not healthy enough to be a blood donor .

A doctor will review your medical history and check your vital signs, which includes pulse and blood pressure reading  , to ensure that you are fit for blood donation .

5. I have already given blood once .Is not that enough ?

A regular supply of blood is needed to meet the daily demands of the hospitals. The lives of patients depends on regular  blood donors. A blood donors can donate blood up to 4 times in a year or once every 3 months.

6. I will put on weight after blood donation .

Giving blood will definitely not increase your weight All you put on is the satisfaction of having helped someone in need of the life saving gift -Blood.

7. Is not there artificial blood available ?

No, Blood can not be manufactured or reproduced .It can only come from the people .Your gift could mean life for a sick child, an accident victim or patient facing surgery .

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