How to get pregnant fast : Some important tips for Her

Tips to get pregnant fast :To become a parent is the most exciting feeling in this world. Once you take this  big decision to start a family, it is really very  hard to wait for that positive result. Conceiving quickly may be the goal, but it’s never a guarantee. Couples may experience some difficulties when attempting to conceive but simple adjustments and further efforts may result in success .It’s not only mother who has to follow the rules but father also has to follow them to get a healthy child. From tracking  ovulation to changing your diet there is a few tips to help you on the exciting journey to parenthood. At  your early 20’s, you are most fertile but fertility generally begins to diminish around the age of 30 and it declines  substantially at the age of 35 and onwards. So if you’re wondering how to get pregnant fast, read on for all the tips .

Some important tips for Her(Mother):

  • Visit Doctor : Be sure to discuss any pre-existing conditions that might affect your pregnancy and medications you are currently taking. You can also explore your family history to decide if genetic screening is advisable.
  • Maintain a healthy life style: If you’re wondering how to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast, self-care can go a long way. It’s no secret that your body goes through some major changes and challenges during pregnancy and delivery, so be sure to start your pregnancy journey in tip-top shape by taking important steps toward living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Go for for potential fertility test : You can find out whether you have any issues that will prevent you from becoming pregnant by being tested right away. Fertility tests for women typically measure Antral Follicle Count (AFC) to determine your ovarian reserve, AMH Levels, a hormonal marker of ovarian reserves, FSH Levels to gauge the presence or absence of egg production.
  • Visit Dentist : Don’t forget to pay your visit to  dentist . Gum disease has been linked to underweight and premature babies. Not only that, pregnancy is notoriously tough on teeth and gums. Your dentist can make sure your oral hygiene is in good standing before you get pregnant.
  • Avoid excessive exercise :  While exercise is good for overall health, when trying to conceive, excessive exercise can be more harmful than good. Excessive exercise can lead to fertility problems due to suppression of both ovulation and the hormone progesterone. It  may mess with your menstrual cycle and lead to fertility issues.
  •  Planned  Sex – Taking appropriate breaks during your sexual life is crucial in your attempts to get pregnant. Typically, having intercourse every two to three days is ideal because having sex too frequently or holding for too long might reduce the quantity and quality of sperm. The optimal time to become pregnant is a few days prior to ovulation since sperm may survive in the body for up to several days whereas a woman’s egg can only survive for up to 24 hours.
  • Make a chart of BBT: you should make a chart of Basal Body Temperature(BBT) .It is another way to find out when you’re ovulating. While your non-ovulating, normal temperature is 96 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit, your BBT changes throughout your cycle, and during ovulation it may be a half-degree higher. To track your BBT, take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed using a special BBT thermometer designed to measure temperature in tenths of degrees. Record your BBT on a chart for several months and look for a pattern to emerge. You can assume you’ve ovulated when you have a slightly higher BBT for three or more days. If you’re having trouble seeing a pattern or change in your BBT, you might want to try taking your BBT rectally or vaginally for more accurate results. Unfortunately, though, you don’t have much time to try to conceive by the time your BBT has risen; this method is more about getting to know your body and figuring out your overall pattern of fertility. When you figure out that monthly pattern, you can plan to have sex a few days before your anticipated BBT spike.
  • Use an Ovulation Calculator: So if you’re looking for how to get pregnant fast, ovulation tests can help. These over-the-counter predictor kits track your ovulation by measuring the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone produced by your pituitary gland, in your urine. Your body is always creating LH, but it makes more of it 24 to 48 hours before you ovulate.
  • Watch your Caffeine intake : In addition to alcohol consumption, caffeine can play a role in infertility when consuming 500 milligrams or more per day; this equates to about 5 cups of coffee. Recommended daily limits of caffeine consumption is about 200-250 milligrams daily. Some studies suggest that excessive caffeine intake may lead to fertility issues.
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