How are Urinary Stones diagnosed ?

During your visit your physician will run a series of diagnostic tests .These tests will usually assist your physician in determining  the type pf stone and its location. Accordingly your individualized treatment modality is determined .The initial screening tests include :

 Blood and Urine tests :

Urinalysis confirm or detects presence of blood ,pus, bacteria or stone crystals in urine .These findings are often signs of a stone  or an infection .

Urine Culture helps to detect the presence of a urinary tract infection.

Blood Tests helps to confirm the suspicion  of a kidney infection by revealing  abnormalities in the white cell count of your blood.

Urine sample taken for 24 hours determine the levels of stone related chemicals in your urine.

The stone can be determined by the following tests :

Diagnostic Imaging Techniques :  After detecting the infection your physician will be able to see the stone through techniques such as

  • X-ray KUB
  • Ultrasound of the urinary tract
  • CT scan
  • Intravenous Pyelography- A series of X-ray are taken to determine the exact location of the stone in the urinary tract after injecting a dye in the vein .
  • Retrograde Pyelogram -A dye is directly injected in the opening of the ureters and the urinary tract is visualized with the help of a small instrument called Cytoscope.  It is one of the  most reliable methods of visualizing the urinary system and detecting urinary stones .
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