Health Benefits of Amla(Gooseberry) for Pregnant Women

Health Benefits  of Amla (gooseberry ) for Pregnant ladies: Pregnant Women and her relatives are often led to confusions about what to eat what to avoid during pregnancy. The best and the safest way to get out of this confusion, is to consult your doctor, if you have any confusion regarding your diet during pregnancy. Amla is one of the safest fruits to be consumed during those months when you are carrying your little one.

Amla (Gooseberry) is one of the common fruits found in India. It tastes sour and leaves a bitter after-taste in the mouth. Amla is packed with nutrition and has abundant amounts of Vitamin C. It is highly recommended to be had during pregnancy. Where the immune system weakens, and the body can be prone to many infections. Along with helping the body fight many microbes, Amla can also aid in better digestion, control blood glucose levels and strengthen the bones. Eating amla during pregnancy is very beneficial both for the mother and the child. Here are some of the benefits of eating amla given. Have a look for the Health Benefits of Amla.

  1. Boosts-Up Energy: Amla is a great antioxidant and gives a boost to the immune system. Its high Vitamin C content helps in fighting infections like the common flu and urinary tract infections which are common during pregnancy. A bonus benefit is that it even aids lactation after delivery, thus ensuring that your baby gets immunity-boosting breast milk.

  2. Eases constipation: Due to its high fibre content, amla helps in regularising bowel movements and preventing constipation during pregnancy.
  3. Enhances digestion: Amla helps in reducing problems like indigestion and acidity formation as it stimulates gastric juices in the stomach and helps in the digestion of food.
  4. Helps in maintaining blood pressure: The abundance of Vitamin C in amla helps blood vessels dilate, which, in turn, helps in maintaining and sustaining normal blood pressure.
  5. Provides relief from fatigue and stress: The sweet-and-sour taste of amla helps in controlling the feeling of nausea which is common in the first trimester of pregnancy. Drinking amla juice or eating it raw helps reduce morning sickness and energises the body.
  6. Helps in controlling oedema: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, amla helps in reducing swelling in the hands and feet (known as oedema) which might happen during pregnancy.
  7. Body detox: Amla is a great antioxidant and its high water content increases the frequency of urination. This helps in flushing out radicals and toxins from the body.
  8. Reduces the risk of developing gestational diabetes: Even women with no diabetic history can experience a condition called gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This happens when pregnancy hormones interfere with insulin levels in the body. Amla has anti-diabetic qualities which help in restricting the chances of gestational diabetes in the mother-to-be.
  9. Boosts the baby’s memory power: Consuming amla juice helps in enhancing the baby’s memory power.
  10. Promotes oral health: The Vitamin C content of the fruit promotes oral health during pregnancy, by helping prevent conditions like bad breath or bleeding gums. It also helps prevent tooth decay thanks to its calcium content.

Side Effects of Amla (gooseberry) :

  • Amla is a fruit that presents pregnant women with a lot of benefits. However, if you overeat the same during pregnancy, it can lead to indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, and also leave you dehydrated with an upset stomach. It is, therefore, advised to consume amla in limited quantities only.
  • While amla has no side effects if consumed within limits, it is best to avoid the fruit if you are suffering from a cold or cough. Amla has a cooling effect on the body and this might aggravate your cold if you have one. Avoid amla if you are suffering from loose motions, as its laxative effects may worsen your condition.
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