Health Benefits of Gooseberry

Health Benefits of Gooseberry – Gooseberry are nutritious, low-calorie fruits that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These include lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels, as well as a reduced risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and age-related illnesses of the brain. Gooseberries are a wonderful, healthy fruit to include in your diet . 

Wonderful benefits of Gooseberry and reasons to include it in your diet:

  1.  The high vitamin C content increases iron absorption in the body .

  2.  Amla prevents and cures respiratory problems like cough, cold, bronchitis, and asthma.

  3.  It improves the body’s immunity level and hence, kids are less likely to catch infections easily.

  4.  The fruit has high fibre content so is a natural laxative and improves gut health.

  5.  It relieves gastric problems and diarrhea.

  6.  Amla is rich in the trace mineral Chromium, which helps in improving the digestive function of the body and increases appetite. It can be given to kids to act as a natural appetite booster.

  7.  Due to its rich Vitamin C and beta carotene content, Amla is excellent for good skin and eyesight.

  8.  It is excellent for natural hair care. Amla oil prevents dandruff, itchiness, and lice.

  9.  It prevents mouth ulcers caused by vitamin c deficiency.

Gooseberry Benefits :

For Weight Loss

Gooseberry is said to aid in weight loss and this fruit must be added to your everyday diet. Gooseberry also speeds up your metabolism and flushes out the bad toxins from your body. It also aids in goods digestion which means that the faster your food gets digested, the more hungry you may feel. Thus, this also curbs your appetite by making you feel full.

 Amla’s high-fat burning properties have been shown in various studies.  This plant accelerates metabolism, improving protein synthesis and reducing fat deposits. It also favours fluid reduction because it promotes diuresis with the excretion of organic toxins through the urine.

Due to its effect on weight, it is useful for controlling obesity, especially in people with diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems

For Heart 

The antioxidant property of Amla helps to fight against the free radicals and inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This reduces plaque formation in the blood vessels and minimizes the risk of blockage and heart attack

Amla has cardioprotective property. It increases the Pachak Agni (digestive fire) and controls the level of high cholesterol which helps maintain a healthy heart.

For neurological disorders

Amla can be used for the management of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease due to its anti-cholinesterase activity. Amla also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property. It fights against free radicals and inhibits the inflammatory mediators to reduce brain damage and improve cognitive function.

For hepatoprotective property

The constituents in Amla shows antioxidant property and fights against the free radicals to prevent the damage of liver cells. Amla also helps reduce inflammation of the liver by lowering the level of inflammatory mediators and liver enzymes.

Amla helps in the proper functioning of liver by increasing the Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Amla also helps prevent degeneration of liver cells due to its Rasayana property. It also stimulates the liver to eliminate toxins from the body.

For managing gastrointestinal problems

Amla helps to reduce the damage of stomach lining by increasing mucin that protects the gastrointestinal tract from acid attack, harmful micro-organisms and physical trauma. Gallic acid in Amla protects the mucosal lining of the stomach and helps in ulcer healing. Thus, Amla is known to have anti-secretory and anti-ulcer action and works as a gastroprotective agent.

Amla helps to reduce gastrointestinal problems by improving the Pachak Agni (digestion fire). It also helps in easy expulsion of stool due to its Rechana (mild laxative) property.

For Bone Disorders 

Bone disorders like osteoporosis are due to increased activity of osteoclast cells that erode the bone to release its mineral content. Amla is known to have anti-osteoclastic and anti-resorptive activity and helps control the loss of mineral content from the bones. In the case of arthritis, Amla is known to ease movement by protecting the cartilage cushion between the joints.

For treatment of jaundice

 Amla might help in reducing the symptoms of Jaundice like extreme constipation, weakness etc by removing toxins from the liver and kidneys due to its antioxidant properties.

Jaundice occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha which leads to poor or weak liver functions. Amla helps to improve liver function due to its Pitta balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.

To prevent the formation of gall bladder stones

Amla can be administered orally as a whole fruit, juice or in powder form. It is rich in vitamin C that helps remove toxins and manage cholesterol, both of which are the main causes of stone formation.

Gallbladder stones are formed due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. Amla can be consumed in the form of fruit or juice to prevent gall bladder stones, due to its Pitta balancing property.

For the skin

Amla improves skin elasticity and helps to get rid of dead skin by forming new cells. It also protects the skin and prevents damage by UV rays due to its strong antioxidant properties. Thus, Amla can be used in anti-aging, sunscreen and other skin care products.

Amla is good for skin due to its Ropan (healing) and Rasayan properties. It is also good for controlling acne and inflammation due to its Pitta pacifying nature. Amla also helps control excessive oil on the skin due to its Kashaya (astringent) effects.

Also Know : Health Benefits of Amla(Gooseberry) for Pregnant Women

For Hair

Application of Amla on the hair is useful for reducing hair fall and promote hair growth. Due to its antioxidant property, Amla fights against the free radicals and prevents premature or early greying of hair. All these benefits make Amla a potent hair tonic.

Amla is the most preferred ingredient for maintaining hair health due to its Ropan (healing) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It strengthens hair follicles and prevent hair damage. Amla also has Kashaya (astringent) and Sita (cold) nature which stimulates hair growth and provides relief to dry and itchy scalp by reducing dandruff.

For Healing Wound

Topical application of Amla juice accelerates wound healing and helps in preventing infection of the wound. Amla also reduces pain by blocking the inflammatory mediators in the body.


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